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LHX: What specific item are you attempting to craft? The rules want to know whether or not you have a “formula” for the magic item.

tjc: Ideal World, A world destroying talisman.

tjc: More likely, I am looking to make something that boosts casting ability, with the possible idea of adding more talismans as we grow in level to increase the bonus.

tjc: I loosely got the idea from the Demon Blood Talismans from The Slayers as the Jade's magic is likely from Dagon on whatever God Lothar used to shatter it. My idea might be make a +1 pair of talismans then add additional parts, each one giving the set an additional +1 bonus. Plus it would just make Vara all the more awesome if he was harnassing a small piece of a God's power every so often.

tjc: Random Aside: The sorceress Varatas mentioned was an allusion to The Slayer's Main Character, Lina Inverse.

LHX: I'm not familiar with that show. Any good? (Can't remember if that's one of the ones you recommended at the end of last session.)

LHX: So here's a RAW1) question: are you wanting to 'experiment' since there's no 'formula' under the crafting rules?

RAW = 'rules as written'
talk/wiki/cctgame/jaded-magic.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/03 04:24 by lhx