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Tyranny of Dragons (Charles, Chris, and Travis)

This is the placeholder for the notes page for our new fifth edition game with Charles, Chris, and Travis in the Forgotten Realms.

Rules and Housekeeping Stuff

NPCs Met

Name Description When
Freona & 5 daughters Halfling owner of Madame Freona's Tea Kettle Session 1
Nameless Half elf The Harper that gave the fake dragon egg quest Session 1
Chaab The military man dressed in black imprisoned with the goblins along with the bog farmers Session 1
Various NPCs The various NPCs in the lightning dragon tooth encounter Session 1
“Fat Mar” Waiter at the Laughing Goblin Session 2
Keria Female mercenary who had information on Sokol Keep Session 2
Thirius Dockworker upset at Keria (started brawl) Session 2
Welby and Grent 2 halfling merchants that spoke to Logan about shipping Session 2
Sergeant Hurn blackfist drunk guy at the docks Session 2
Liela Admin assistant, super OCD / AR, works for House Sokol in the docks Session 2
Karst Ferryman Session 2
Darvag, Shandra, Rorin Groundskeepers / housekeepers for Sokol Keep Session 2
Grim Blackfist Guard that will be standing trial for murder of Igan Sokol Session 2


Player Race and Class Level Name
Charles Halfing Rogue 2 Logan Ninefingers
Chris Dwarvish Cleric 2 Lothar Hammerfist
Travis Elvish Sorcerer 2 Varatas Sunweaver

Session Recaps

I'm going to use this session as notes for all of us about what happened in each Session. If you have things important to you please add them in too because I'll use that to custom tailor future sessions to your PCs.

Session 1

We did the 'purchase a dragon egg', the 'peat bog family rescue', and the 'shocking evening' encounters.

Logan was able to impersonate Chachi and buy the fake dragon egg as well as plant the magical pin on the elven Seller's cloak. Varatas was knocked unconscious in the ensuing fight with the Welcomers who came to steal the egg. The Welcomers defeated, the party took the egg back to the Harper and turned it in for their reward, but he determined it was a fake egg. He was still happy because it was way more important to plant the pin than to get the egg. He initially suspected the party of swapping a real egg for the fake, but was convinced otherwise by the party.

The party set up a grisly warning sign to the Welcomers outside the abandoned farm house. Logan carved with a dagger into the foreheads of the dead Welcomers “Dirty Whore Welcomers”. There were also plenty of groin stabbings per Logan.

The party was able to rescue the peat bogg family from several goblins and a bugbear. They also rescued a man dressed in all black leather, who held himself like a trained military man. He said to look him up in Phlan sometime. His name was Chaab.

The party was able to figure out how to capture the lighting from a blue dragon's tooth that had lots of magic in it that was jumping from person to person. Turns out it had to do with safflowers from the region. During the investigation, they met 2 old gossiping ladies, a pale dragonborn traveling to find her long lost brother, a wood-elf female that sounded like a redneck with a distinctive bow, three halfling tumblers that liked to mess with Logan, a food critic, and a rich man and female dwarf that were trying to buy/sell the dragon tooth.

At the end of the session all 3 PCs hit level 2.

Session 1.5

Varatas: see this page, I wanted to roleplay a little bit of stuff during downtime before the next session.

Session 2

The party started out in the Laughing Goblin. Logan told a story about how he lost his finger to some halfling merchants who were concerned about the light at Sokol Keep being out. Everyone was concerned about the disruption to shipping and its economic impact on the city. As the party was talking to “Fat Mar” the waiter, a group of drunken dock workers came into start a brawl with the two human female mercenaries in the corner. The females goaded them and started up a brawl. More dockworkers came in and targeted the party, but Varatas was able to use his control fire spell to persuade the brawl to end.

The party talked with Keria of the two women and Thirius of the dock workers, which gave them some more information and pushed them to go talk to Liela of House Sokol and to talk to Guard Sergeant Hurn with the Black Fist about Sokol Keep.

The party then went to talk to Hurn and Liela. They went to Hurn first, and found him slightly drunk and clueless, although he did point them to the ferryman. Liela, did similarly, and offered to pay the party to get the light back on. She also pointed the party to the ferryman.

The party then went to the ferryman, who was eating raw fish on the docks, and he took the party to Thorn Island for 3SP. He spoke with a truck-driver / cajun accent that was hard to understand. He had a crush on Darvag the groundskeeper's wife Shandra.

Meeting with Darvag, Shandra, and their son Rorin, they were given a key and license to explore and investigate the mansion and keep. They went to Igan's study and found Igan's journal and the Book of Moonsea Cults. Those alerted the party that their might have been a cult of Dagon on the island, as well as how to open a magic door. The journal was knocked off the shelf by seemingly unknown means. As the party was discussing the journal, all of the chairs in the room also fell over for seemingly unknown means.

The party goes to the West tower and discovers freshly torn up earth and finds in the basement an eerie stone and rope. Varatus opens the door with his hand and by speaking the words from Igan's journal. They first get the kid Rorin, and then when he seems too hyperactive and immature to be relied upon, they get Darvag to come oversee the stone.

They enter the dungeon, encounter a crypt of skeletons, and writing in the mud floor draws and X and and arrow away from them. The party proceeds down a descending hallway to a circular room with water. Logan falls into the sinkhole and takes damage, the rest of the party uses rope to rescue Logan as well as cross the room.

They encounter 2 empty rooms that may have been jail cells in the past, and then they come to the altar room, where they discover an altar, a jade idol shaped like Dagon (that looks like this: link to image of Dagon).

On the altar was the corpose of Igan turned zombie after being stabbed in the back as well as the corpse of one of the black-fist guards. Two skeletons, a fish ghoul, and 2 zombies fight the party, with the party being triumphant. They then encounter the remaining black-fist guards, including Grim. Grim initially tries to bluff his way out of it, and Varatas tries to make a “we'll let you go argument” at which point lines of “X”s are drawn in the mud by an unseen presence. Wracked with guilt, Grim then comes clean saying he murdered Igan for the treasure and that he'll peacefully stand trial for his crime.

Varatas also got a Wand of Magic Detection.

When the party leaves, the light at Sokol Keep was back on.

The party collected their gold, and Varatas made a note to return when their magic was higher to investigate the source of the unforeseen presence.

Guys, if you have anything you want to add to it, please feel free.

Session 3

To be scheduled.

wiki/cctgame/cct-tyranny-of-dragons.1484630258.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/17 05:17 by lhx